
“Our goal should be minimum standardization of human behavior.”

Douglas McGregor

Rewilding Organizations

Rewilding is a conservation approach that seeks to restore and protect natural processes, often by reintroducing species that have been lost or diminished in those ecosystems. The goal is to allow ecosystems to regenerate and function with minimal intervention, promoting diversity and resilience to environmental changes.

shaRe™ - an operating system to reintroduce and protect human nature in the ecosystem of business

Purpose Leads

shaRe uses the roundtable as a symbol for a shared purpose - the common goal

The cause is in the lead


The purpose motivates people to take responsibility - turning each of them into a shaReholder

Everyone at the roundtable is equally responsible and accountable for the pursuit of the purpose

Equal rights for each shaReholder turns collaboration into leadership

Management has no seat at the roundtable

Digital Reformation

shaRe, in its technical form, wraps existing collaboration technology with purpose and responsibility

Leadership in the digital world is identical to the real world - we turned the roundtable into the user experience of digital collaboration

shaRe ensures that all information is linked to intention and human responsibility - Artificial Identity has no seat at the roundtable

Scaling through roundtable relationships addresses the dynamic interdependencies of a complex world

Purpose Leads

shaRe structures the pursuit of Purpose in a relationship of direction.

Purpose motivates Strategies which guide Moves.

While developing shaRe, we found identical structures in community government, public services, and education. The labels applied to each structural element are often different from the “business language” we use for shaRe; e.g., Waldorf schools talk about Heart, Head, and Hand in their approach to knowledge development.

We use the term Community to describe all Strategies and Moves that are motivated by the same Purpose.

The Roundtable

The roundtable is a central theme in shaRe. It allows us to create an understanding of organizational direction and leadership principles that correlate with the experience of people meeting in person in a circle.

Purpose invites shaReholders

Eliminating bureaucracy requires moving from giving or delegating responsibility to taking responsibility. Those who voluntarily take responsibility do this because they care about the Purpose - we call them shaReholders.

Each shaReholder at a roundtable has equal rights, responsibilities, and accountability.

The facts are on the table, the cause is known to all. Basic principles of equality and ethics guide collaboration. Alignments are established on a consent versus consensus basis.

shaRe turns collaboration into leadership. Bureaucracy and its twin management are eliminated.

Digital Reformation

Bureaucracy is hard-coded into an organization through Information Technology (IT) - think harmonization, policies, processes, workflows, approvals, reporting, roles, permissions, access rights, etc.

Good intentions of reducing or eliminating bureaucracy are practiced in person but run into a digital wall as soon as collaboration leaves the wild.

Leadership is committed to unnatural behavior by the technical operating system.

“We shape our tools and afterwards our tools shape us.”

Marshall McLuhan

Operating Model = Operating System

Technically, shaRe provides an Operating System (OS) and a User Experience (UX) that provision cloud-based collaboration technology compliant with the purpose-driven shaReholder operating model. In-person collaboration and digital collaboration look and feel the same way, including equality of authority at all roundtables.

All information is aligned with Purpose, Strategies, and Moves. Everything is “on the table”, no information duplicates.

Access rights are established across different applications according to roundtable membership. The link between information and responsibility never breaks.

Edit history, available in most cloud-based collaboration applications, captures changes over time. Within shaRe, this creates factual stories about an organization’s evolution, adaptability, and leadership.

shaRe creates transparency of interactions in the context of direction. Your collaboration technology doesn’t have to change, but how you use it has to. This is why we call this a Digital Reformation.

shaRe provisions IT according to shaReholders - leadership becomes visible

… and then there is AI

We refer to this technology as Machine Learning (ML) and to AI as Artificial Identity.

shaRe assigns responsibility for the direction and collaborative interactions to humans only; no Artificial Identity is permitted as shaReholder.

ML can be applied to support human collaboration and learning, but humans must take responsibility for the output/result.

Protecting human identity and authenticity in collaboration is essential as virtual reality capabilities are merging with ML, aiming at creating the perfect digital version of us, our Artificial Identity.

Deep fakes need to be prevented before they take form; once released, the damages are irreparable and increasingly harmful.

The shaRe architecture offers a path to protecting humans from the “free mining” of knowledge by ML and the danger of Artificial Identities being used to fake who we really are.

Welcome to the shaReholder ecosystem