

Leadership in a Dynamic World

“It is probable that one day we shall begin to draw organization charts as a series of linked groups rather than as a hierarchical structure of individual ‘reporting’ relationships.”

Douglas McGregor, 1960
The Human Side of Enterprise

The benefits of a more autonomously operating organization, held together through purposeful relationships, are well understood.

Expressions like Aligned Autonomy or Shared Ownership headline transformation programs and announce a change in leadership. Various organizational models are advised, many promoting similar principles aiming at human-centric collaboration, adaptability, and innovation.

Leadership in the Knowledge Age

shaRe defines leadership through the relationship between responsibility and information. This authorizes those responsible to develop knowledge through collaboration.

shaRe establishes collaboration through Purpose, Strategies, and Responsibility by eliminating the barriers that fragmented information presents to knowledge creation.

Information Technology follows Leadership


Turn your Salesforce system into a leadership development platform

and deploy your preferred organizational model with the collaboration technology of your choice

Purpose leads

shaRe starts with a single Purpose and a single owner for the Purpose


Teams add or remove members to establish shared responsibility over the Purpose

One AI team member can serve in the role of a Consultant

All team members, except AI, have identical authority (access rights) over the information governed by the Purpose

IT follows Purpose

shaRe aligns collaboration technologies with Purpose

Set Purpose in motion

The Purpose team creates Strategies

Each Strategy consists of Moves that define what collaborative actions are needed to reach strategic goals


Strategy team members can come from anywhere in the organization and also from “outside” (e.g. Partners)

Team autonomy is supported through consent-based alignment

Guided Community

A Purpose with all its Strategies forms a Community

All Community participants comprehend their responsibilities and contributions in relation to each other

Information follows Leadership

All collaboration is aligned with Purpose and Strategies


shaRe scales through a Strategy-to-Purpose relationship between Communities
Strategy-to-Strategy relationships enable scaling through Partners


All Strategies interact with customers


Lead through Purpose